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Qaagi - Book of Why



the bankers(passive) is designed bycommunism

Marxists ( people who agree with the writings of awful economist Karl Marxinventedcommunism

Capitalism(passive) are caused byCommunism


that other group of communists(passive) were caused bycommunism

the chosen peopleinventedcommunism

Capitalist mediahas paintedcommunism

just as they influenced LiberalisminfluencedCommunism


red haircausescommunism

Socialism and Marxism , which lead to the idea oris ... resultingCommunism

Socialism in its extreme form likeleadsCommunism

communist philosophy ... Europewhere ... was inventedCommunism

the philosophy of Ludwig Feuerbach and based on a contrast between the alienated nature of labor under capitalism and a communist society in which human beings freely developed their nature in cooperative production(passive) influenced bycommunism

Political speech in the form of advocacy for socialism andcausedcommunism

Socialism or Communism?Heinventedcommunism

How to Create the Social State"leadscommunism)

other constraintswould influencecommunist society

the people ... the public sphereinventedcommunism

to destroy other people 's societies(passive) is just designedCommunism


obviously(passive) was ... inventedCommunism


Socialism(passive) was originatedCommunism

result Experiencecontributedcommunism

by capitalists(passive) designed bycommunism

the people ... , and the communist manifestoinventedcommunism

capitalism(passive) was quite literally caused byCommunism

by the philosophy of Ludwig Feuerbach(passive) influenced bycommunism

Karl Marx , the founder of scientific socialism that isleadcommunism helped

the Soviet trade unioninventedcommunism

by the old Soviet Union and Capitalism led by the United States(passive) led bycommunism

as a path to socialism(passive) was inventedCommunism

by capitalism and democracy(passive) currently is influenced bycommunism

the only thingcontributedcommunism

by capitalism , such as in China(passive) heavily influenced bycommunism

by capitalism(passive) influenced bycommunism

by the old Soviet Union and Capitalism led by the United States(passive) led by communism

Fascismalways causescommunism

by regimes themselves(passive) are causedCommunism

to the McCarthyledto the McCarthy

to the McCarthy eraledto the McCarthy era

to similar behaviorleadto similar behavior

to the McCarthy era , where the practice of makingledto the McCarthy era , where the practice of making

as practiced in so called Communist countrieshas leadas practiced in so called Communist countries

from Socialismresultsfrom Socialism

to Societal Damageleadsto Societal Damage

Has America(passive) Been Influenced byHas America

in all propertyresultsin all property

which socialism ... tocan ... leadswhich socialism ... to

to socialismleadsto socialism

to total government control of your lifeleadsto total government control of your life


to Societalleadsto Societal

to Societal leadsto Societal

in the old Soviet Unionhas ... ledin the old Soviet Union

like socialismresultslike socialism

in the old Soviet Unionhas ... ledin the old Soviet Union

to their fallledto their fall

to the genocide of communists by communistsleadsto the genocide of communists by communists

President(passive) has been influenced byPresident

to Societal Detrimentleadsto Societal Detriment

to tyrannyleadsto tyranny

outright starvationcausesoutright starvation

to Stalinismleadsto Stalinism

to starvation and oppressionleadsto starvation and oppression

to capitalismleadsto capitalism

to godlessness , evil , etcwill leadto godlessness , evil , etc

to an evil oligarchyleadingto an evil oligarchy

to an impoverished societyleadsto an impoverished society

in failureresultsin failure

art practiceshas influencedart practices

in the death of more people than the Nazi 's and the facistshas resultedin the death of more people than the Nazi 's and the facists


in the destruction of the USwill resultin the destruction of the US

to capitalism and capitalismleadsto capitalism and capitalism

to Marxismleadsto Marxism

to the rise of Hitler and Mussoliniledto the rise of Hitler and Mussolini

the death of around 100 million peoplecausedthe death of around 100 million people

in tyrannyresultsin tyranny


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