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Qaagi - Book of Why



factors that produce wild swings in demand and supply(passive) can be caused byprice volatility

by commodity market fluctuations(passive) caused byprice volatility

Shifts in the utility valuecould causeprice volatility

three factors that produce wild swings in demand and supply(passive) is caused byPrice volatility

by supply conditions , political and economic variables and other unpredictable factors(passive) caused byprice volatility

demand fluctuationmay influenceprice volatility

by weather , market conditions and other factors that are not considered predictable or(passive) is caused byprice volatility

commodity pricescan causematerial price volatility

by weather , market conditions and other factors that are not considered predictable or(passive) is causedprice volatility

by fluctuations in supply and(passive) caused byprice volatility

Exchange rate volatilitycausesprice volatility

three of the factors that change prices(passive) is caused byPrice volatility

recent supply disruptionscausingprice volatility

The commodity market instabilitycausesprice volatility

by supply and demand conditions , political and economic variables , weather , and other unpredictable factors(passive) caused byprice volatility

energy commoditiesmight causeprice volatility

by events such as market fluctuations or(passive) caused byprice volatility

commodity marketscausingprice volatility

The change in its efficiencycan causeprice volatility

by supply and demand conditions , political and economic variables , weather , investor speculation , and other unpredictable factors(passive) caused byprice volatility

Scarcitycausesprice volatility

trade pricemight causeprice volatility

disruption ... in turncould causeproduct price volatility

The changes in utilitycan causeprice volatility

to trade on a short - term basisoften causingprice volatility

the level of inventories in the marketcan causeprice volatility

by uncertainty in fundamental market drivers , such as fuel prices , hydro conditions , demand , generator and transmission outages , entry , and other crucial variables(passive) caused byprice volatility

uncertainty in fundamental market drivers , such as fuel prices , hydro conditions , demand , generator and transmission outages , entry , and other crucial variables(passive) caused byprice volatility

by weather , supply conditions , political and economic variables , and other unpredictable factors(passive) caused byprice volatility

supply conditions , political and economic variables , and other unpredictable factors(passive) caused byprice volatility

The changes to utilitycan causeprice volatility

by weather , supply conditions and other unpredictable factors(passive) caused byprice volatility

by weather , market conditions and other factors that are not considered predictable or within our control(passive) is causedprice volatility

by changes in demand , weather conditions , supply conditions , government regulations , economic climate and other factors(passive) caused byprice volatility

by weather , supply conditions , economic variables , and other unpredictable factors(passive) caused byprice volatility

Changes to utilitycan causeprice volatility

The changes to the utilitycan causeprice volatility

agricultural commoditiesmight causeprice volatility

by market fluctuations(passive) caused byprice volatility

by many factors , including supply conditions , demand levels , political and economic variables and other unpredictable factors(passive) caused byprice volatility

This variability(passive) is caused byThis variability

from fluctuating oil pricescould resultfrom fluctuating oil prices

in higher and more volatile inflationcould resultin higher and more volatile inflation

significant swings in the measurement of the thresholdcan causesignificant swings in the measurement of the threshold

to a reduction in production or supplymay leadto a reduction in production or supply

to a reduction in production or supplymay leadto a reduction in production or supply

in the normal distribution curveresultsin the normal distribution curve

market uncertaintycausesmarket uncertainty

uncertain profitabilityresultinguncertain profitability

companies globally to focus on adding value to existing operations and to undertake greenfield programs in less risky locationshas ledcompanies globally to focus on adding value to existing operations and to undertake greenfield programs in less risky locations

the cash flow bumps(passive) caused bythe cash flow bumps

to price risk Boom and burst production cyclesleadsto price risk Boom and burst production cycles

to your ability to adjust your posted pricecontributingto your ability to adjust your posted price

margin fluctuations(passive) caused bymargin fluctuations

to extreme pressures on profitabilityleadingto extreme pressures on profitability

to a significant dislocation between market and fundamental valuations around the worldhave ledto a significant dislocation between market and fundamental valuations around the world

the paceinfluencethe pace

in margin calls where the investor is required to commit an additional margincan resultin margin calls where the investor is required to commit an additional margin

fluctuations(passive) caused byfluctuations

to procyclicality and undermine sustainabilitycan leadto procyclicality and undermine sustainability

economic disruptions andcauseseconomic disruptions and


fluctuations(passive) caused byfluctuations

spikes in food prices , farmers ' incomes and the price livestock farmers and ethanol producers pay for corncausespikes in food prices , farmers ' incomes and the price livestock farmers and ethanol producers pay for corn

spikes in food pricescausespikes in food prices

collateral requirements to change quickly and significantlycan causecollateral requirements to change quickly and significantly

in increased costscould resultin increased costs

to sharp and sudden deterioration in its financial results and credit metricsmay leadto sharp and sudden deterioration in its financial results and credit metrics


on the other handledon the other hand

18may cause18

to an increase in the failure rate of transactions denominated in fiat currencieshad ledto an increase in the failure rate of transactions denominated in fiat currencies

to fluctuations in headline inflationledto fluctuations in headline inflation

inflation volatilitycausesinflation volatility

exploitation(passive) caused byexploitation

an occasional variance in the total revenue generated unless there is an immediate liquidation to FIAT or local currencywill causean occasional variance in the total revenue generated unless there is an immediate liquidation to FIAT or local currency

in turninfluencesin turn

producerscan influenceproducers

in a decline in ratesresultedin a decline in rates

to a climate of uncertainty for energy companies and investors and a climate of distrust among consumers , regulators and legislatorshas contributedto a climate of uncertainty for energy companies and investors and a climate of distrust among consumers , regulators and legislators


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