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Qaagi - Book of Why



Cleft lip : Upper lip is not connected , ... : An opening in the roof of the mouth that allows too much air to pass through nasal cavity , resulting in abnormal speech Communication : Transfer of knowledge , ideas , opinions , and feelings Communication board : Low - tech AAC device that displays pictures or words to which an individual points to communicate Communication disorderresultingin abnormal speech Cleft palate

to knowcausesa cleft palate ... halting speech

Many factorsinfluencingcleft palate speech

problemscan causeproblems

problems with speechcan causeproblems with speech

from an incomplete fusion of the palateresultsfrom an incomplete fusion of the palate

serious problemsoften causesserious problems

problems withcan causeproblems with

to significant feeding problemscan leadto significant feeding problems

abnormal speechcausingabnormal speech

to delayed speech and other speech disorderswill leadto delayed speech and other speech disorders

from HDAC4 mutations in human patientsresultingfrom HDAC4 mutations in human patients


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