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Qaagi - Book of Why



the imagination , passion and visioninfluencingcinematic

specifically(passive) is designedCinematic

by this talented musician(passive) composed bycinematic soundscape


Conceptual artpaintingcinematic

FeaturesSpecially designedcinematic

entirely(passive) is designedThe cinematic

a symbol of a move charactergets discovereda cinematic

such an impactwould causequite cinematic

And finally , something to complete the diverse picture which has been so beautifully painted by these artists , Frameworks , or Matthew Brewer to his mother , specialises in rich yet relaxedinfluencedcinematic

a scene from Apocalypse(passive) was ... influencedthe cinematic

a scene(passive) was ... influencedthe cinematic

the understated production of LA Takedown 's Aaron M. Olson(passive) clearly influenced bycinematic flourishes

also(passive) was ... designedCinematic time

by Asian music(passive) influenced bycinematic

mainly(passive) is ... composedThe cinematic

to mimic the " cinematic " exploits of characters(passive) was designedCinematic Unisystem

Samsungs N650(passive) led bycinematic Soundbars

Their great love of all thingsledcinematic

to simplify the animation process(passive) is designedPro3rd Cinematic

by the understated production of Aaron M. Olson(passive) clearly influenced bycinematic flourishes

This built - in setting is usually enabled by default on most TV setscausingcinematic

for release through Prime Collective(passive) is setCinematic

Samsung 's N650 which delivers an incredible new audio experience for your home(passive) led bycinematic soundbars

my styleinfluencemy style

a rhythm for the movement ... drafts a sequence ... movement in architecture , on the contrary , is open and unpredictablesetsa rhythm for the movement ... drafts a sequence ... movement in architecture , on the contrary , is open and unpredictable

up that scenario and make it believableto setup that scenario and make it believable

and filled with humourdesignedand filled with humour

the storywill setthe story

the stage for what comes nextsetsthe stage for what comes next

to the culture of performance ... we watch the world go bycontributesto the culture of performance ... we watch the world go by

to the culture of performancecontributesto the culture of performance

filled with humourdesignedfilled with humour

the story in motionwill setthe story in motion

up to start as soon as it loads's setup to start as soon as it loads

for 6 players and updesigned primarilyfor 6 players and up

professional intentionsMust setprofessional intentions

This kind of opening(passive) was designedThis kind of opening

a scene from Apocalypse Nowwas ... influenceda scene from Apocalypse Now

into the next segmentleadsinto the next segment

in 1977setin 1977

the final chaseleadsthe final chase

Sandy " Moose " JansencausedSandy " Moose " Jansen

to picturesque squares , churches , parks and a vast array of barsleadingto picturesque squares , churches , parks and a vast array of bars

up to the second mission in the campaignleadup to the second mission in the campaign

my experience of a gameinfluencingmy experience of a game

for use in - gamewas designedfor use in - game

to suit the musicis ... designedto suit the music

in some patientsto causein some patients

the tonesetthe tone

literatureHas ... influencedliterature

the " rule of coolsettingthe " rule of cool

rockAfro influencedrock

up to the final fight with Magolorleadingup to the final fight with Magolor

in Aiuris setin Aiur

time in literaturehas ... influencedtime in literature

to a large dark elf fightleadsto a large dark elf fight

to next area of the level.[11leadsto next area of the level.[11

Sandy " Moose " Jansen 's leg to move unnaturallycausedSandy " Moose " Jansen 's leg to move unnaturally

under the landsetunder the land


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