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Qaagi - Book of Why



the action of ultraviolet light on O2(passive) is created byO3 in the stratosphere

Halocarbons containing chlorine and brominealso causeozone depletion in the stratosphere

chlorinated compoundsoriginatingfrom CFCs in the stratosphere

reactionscreateozone depletion in the stratosphere

ozone depleting chemicals(passive) is caused byozone depletion in the stratosphere

from ultraviolet sun rays responding with oxygen(passive) is mainly createdOzone within the stratosphere

tryingto createpseudosatellites in the stratosphere

the damagecausedto the stratosphere by chlorofluorocarbons

99 % of crypto projectscould leadXas in the stratosphere

to integrate perfectly with the proven Enerturn technology(passive) is designedMATCHThe Stratosphere

to the depletion of the ozone layercontributeto the depletion of the ozone layer

ozone loss(passive) caused byozone loss

to a hole in the ozone layerledto a hole in the ozone layer

how chemicals known as CFCs affect our planet as they go up into the stratosphereDiscoverhow chemicals known as CFCs affect our planet as they go up into the stratosphere

a surface on which cfc - based chlorine can destroy ozone however , the effect from volcanoes is short - lived not all chlorine and bromine sources contribute to ozone layer depletion for examplecreatea surface on which cfc - based chlorine can destroy ozone however , the effect from volcanoes is short - lived not all chlorine and bromine sources contribute to ozone layer depletion for example

a chain reaction that destroyed ozonecauseda chain reaction that destroyed ozone

the ozone hole(passive) caused bythe ozone hole

climate effects for the years following major eruptionshave causedclimate effects for the years following major eruptions

reactions(passive) triggered byreactions

The increase in a decade(passive) can be causedThe increase in a decade


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