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Qaagi - Book of Why



the crisishas causedChina to attack Taiwan

Even before taking office , he has challenged Russia with a nuclear arms race it can not winprovokingChina over Taiwan

if they would favor a declaration of independencecausedChina to attack Taiwan

a greed for power ... one daycould ... causeChina to attack Taiwan

one daycould ... causeChina to attack Taiwan

the triggerleadsto China invading Taiwan

to World War 3leadsto World War 3

to warcan leadto war

in china vs usamay resultin china vs usa

to the world noware ... contributingto the world now

in a global responsewill undoubtedly resultin a global response

to the procurement panel ... causing a great demand for this wave of panel byledto the procurement panel ... causing a great demand for this wave of panel by

clean government actionswill ... will discoverclean government actions

manufacturer factoriesledmanufacturer factories

light manufacturer factoriesledlight manufacturer factories


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