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Qaagi - Book of Why



chiefly of chili peppers(passive) is composedChili powder blend

chiefly of peppers(passive) is composedChili powder blend

chiefly(passive) is composedChili powder blend

chiefly of chili peppers(passive) are composedChili powder blends

chiefly(passive) are composedChili powder blends

because chili peppers were only available at certain times of the year(passive) was inventedChili powder

texans(passive) to have been invented bychili powder

a German immigrant(passive) was invented byChile powder

Milk ... the burningcausesthe chili powder

chiefly of(passive) is composedChili powder blend

a German immigrantinventedchili powder

sureinventedchili powder

in the 19th century(passive) was inventedChili Powder

Gebhardt also has claimedto have inventedchili powder

William Gebhardtinventedchili powder here

William Gebhardt , proprietor of the back room cafeinventedchili powder

the texaninventedchili powder

of dried ground chili peppers , cumin , garlic and oreganois composedof dried ground chili peppers , cumin , garlic and oregano

of dried ground chile peppers , cumin , garlic and oreganois composedof dried ground chile peppers , cumin , garlic and oregano

in the Southwestern United Statesoriginatedin the Southwestern United States

the taste budscan setthe taste buds

of dried chile peppersis composedof dried chile peppers

in the Southwestern United Statesoriginated about 100 years agoin the Southwestern United States

my tongue on fireto setmy tongue on fire

to be relatively mild and usually used in large volumes to give a vibrant red colour without killing people with heatdesignedto be relatively mild and usually used in large volumes to give a vibrant red colour without killing people with heat

upset stomachcausesupset stomach

me troublecausesme trouble

the most sodium in this recipecontributesthe most sodium in this recipe

you to sweatcausesyou to sweat

a lot of the spiceis ... causinga lot of the spice


the taste budscan setthe taste buds

to the unique flavorcontributesto the unique flavor

the most sodium ( 1.64 mg ) per servingcontributesthe most sodium ( 1.64 mg ) per serving

the most sodium ( 1.64 mgcontributesthe most sodium ( 1.64 mg

upset stomach in some peoplemight causeupset stomach in some people

your dog a lot of discomfortscan causeyour dog a lot of discomforts

the chili powder to turn blackwill causethe chili powder to turn black

the problemcausedthe problem

alsocan ... causealso

for productsresultsfor products


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