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Qaagi - Book of Why



with cigarettescan resultin chain smoking

The use of cocaine or amphetamine with cigarettescan resultin chain smoking

The use of cocaine or an amphetamine with cigarettescan resultin chain smoking

his shieldscausingchain smoke

surecontributedthe chain - smoking

Staind vocalist Aaron Lewis(passive) set bychain smoking

more likelyto causechain smoking

to their teethleadingto their teeth

your blood streamwill causeyour blood stream

to Diseasesmay leadto Diseases

your blood pressure to constantly risewill definitely causeyour blood pressure to constantly rise

to lung cancerleadsto lung cancer

sudden deathcausessudden death

the amount of nicotine in the blood to be very highcausesthe amount of nicotine in the blood to be very high

to cancerleadsto cancer

to his lung cancerledto his lung cancer

to lung diseasedo contributeto lung disease

many problemscan causemany problems

to problems with ash building upcan leadto problems with ash building up

cancer etccausescancer etc

the health hazards(passive) caused bythe health hazards

to lung disease , cancer , stroke , and cardiovascular disorderscould leadto lung disease , cancer , stroke , and cardiovascular disorders

lung cancercauseslung cancer

an acute respiratory disorder(passive) caused byan acute respiratory disorder

throat cancercan causethroat cancer

to an uneven heartbeatcan leadto an uneven heartbeat

severe damage tocausessevere damage to

to the Alexander Wangregularly contributingto the Alexander Wang

your blood pressure to consistently risewill causeyour blood pressure to consistently rise

Mutation(passive) caused byMutation

the procedure to go wrongmay also causethe procedure to go wrong

throat cancer(passive) caused bythroat cancer

in cancer and deathhas resultedin cancer and death

your blood tension to always be highwill certainly causeyour blood tension to always be high

Actor 's Erratic Behavior(passive) Caused ByActor 's Erratic Behavior

throat Yes chain smoking can cause throat cancercausesthroat Yes chain smoking can cause throat cancer

your blood pressure to constantly be elevatedwill definitely causeyour blood pressure to constantly be elevated

your blood stream stress to regularly be elevatedwill certainly causeyour blood stream stress to regularly be elevated


to her deathcontributedto her death

cancercan causecancer

cancercan causecancer

alsocan ... leadalso

your blood pressure to always be elevatedwill causeyour blood pressure to always be elevated

in early deathdoes ... resultin early death

throat cancercausesthroat cancer

more harm than goodmay causemore harm than good


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