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Qaagi - Book of Why



The registered office of the Corporation shall besetforth in the Certificate of Incorporation

The object of the corporation shall besetforth in the Certificate of Incorporation

The address of the registered office of the Corporation and the name of the registered agent shall beare setforth in the Certificate of Incorporation

The Corporation shall have a registered office and resident agentsetforth in the Certificate of Incorporation

The corporation has been formed as a charitable not - for - profit corporation under the New York State Not - For - Profit Corporations Lawsetforth in the Certificate of Incorporation

the purposessetforth in the Certificate of Incorporation

further the activities , objects and purposessetforth in the certificate of incorporation

the extentsetforth in the Certificate of Incorporation

Intending to enhance the understanding and promote the exchange of knowledge regarding information and technology , especially among , but not limited to , institutions of higher education , the specific objects , purposes and powers of the Corporation aresetforth in the Certificate of Incorporation

exceptsetforth in the Certificate of Incorporation

the meaningsetforth in the Certificate of Incorporation

The name and address of the Association 's registered agent in the State of Delaware issetforth in the Certificate of Incorporation

Strategic Dental Management Corp. The name of the Corporationsetforth in the Certificate of Incorporation

The authorized number of directors shall besetforth in the Certificate of Incorporation

Any vacancies on the Board of Directors shall be filledsetforth in the Certificate of Incorporation

the Computational Complexity Foundation Inc. Assetforth in the Certificate of Incorporation

The election and term of directors shall besetforth in the Certificate of Incorporation

Parentshall causea) its certificate of incorporation

the purposesetforth in the Certificate of Incorporation

any restrictions or qualificationssetforth in the Certificate of Incorporation

so long as any shares of the Class B Common Stock remain outstandingsetforth in the Certificate of Incorporation

to carry out the Purpose and General Objectives of the Clubsetforth in the Certificate of Incorporation

to carry out the general objectives of the Clubsetforth in the Certificate of Incorporation

the termssetforth in the Certificate of Incorporation

furthering the objects of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relationssetforth in the Certificate of Incorporation

who may be elected by the holders of any class or series of Preferred Stocksetforth in the Certificate of Incorporation

to facilitate the exercise of control over us(passive) could be designedthe certificate of incorporation

issuancesetforth in the Certificate of Incorporation

regard to the classification of the members of the Boardsetforth in the Certificate of Incorporation

forthshall setforth

1shall set forth1

forth the Certificate of Incorporationsetforth the Certificate of Incorporation


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