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Qaagi - Book of Why



the deeper layers of skincausinga Cavernous Hemangioma

The Hemangiomas can develop in the top skin layers causing a Capillary Hemongioma or in the deeper layers of skincausinga Cavernous Hemangioma

accidentally(passive) was ... discoveredA cavernous hemangioma

of dilated spaces filled with blood and lined by flattened endothelium(passive) is pathologically composedCavernous hemangioma

of dilated spaces filled with blood and lined by flattened endothelium(passive) is pathologically composedCavernous hemangioma Cavernous hemangioma

by hypoxia(passive) caused bySegmental hemangioma

Surgical resection , intraoperative pathologypromptedcavernous hemangioma

of more regularly dilated vessels filled with red blood cells(passive) is composedcavernous hemangioma

by monoclonal expansion of cells ... confirming that it is a neoplasia(passive) is caused bysclerosing hemangioma

Analmanometry for opener , bms-causescavernous hemangioma

damaged blood vessels and tumors in his head , brain , neck , and throatcausesdamaged blood vessels and tumors in his head , brain , neck , and throat

his blood vessels to form tumors inside his body , especially in areas like the nose and throatcauseshis blood vessels to form tumors inside his body , especially in areas like the nose and throat

his blood vessels to form tumors inside his bodycauseshis blood vessels to form tumors inside his body

from the zygomatic boneoriginatingfrom the zygomatic bone

blood - filled tumors to grow throughout his head , neck , and throatcausesblood - filled tumors to grow throughout his head , neck , and throat

tumors filled with blood vessels to grow throughout his bodycausestumors filled with blood vessels to grow throughout his body

blood - filled tumors to form from his neck uphas causedblood - filled tumors to form from his neck up

weakened and malformed blood vessels , as well as tumors in his nose and throatcausesweakened and malformed blood vessels , as well as tumors in his nose and throat

from the posterior end of inferior turbinateoriginatingfrom the posterior end of inferior turbinate

blood - filled tumors to grow throughout his head , neck , and throat and they are too fragile to remove through surgerycausesblood - filled tumors to grow throughout his head , neck , and throat and they are too fragile to remove through surgery

weakened and malformed blood vesselscausesweakened and malformed blood vessels

issues with blood vesselscausesissues with blood vessels

blood - filled tumors to grow on his head , neck and throatcausesblood - filled tumors to grow on his head , neck and throat

Bone Erosion(passive) Caused byBone Erosion

weakened and malformed blood vessels ... and tumors in his nose and throatcausesweakened and malformed blood vessels ... and tumors in his nose and throat

blood - filled tumors to grow in his head , neck and throatcausesblood - filled tumors to grow in his head , neck and throat

tumors that could rupture during the executioncausestumors that could rupture during the execution

blood - filled tumors in his head , neck and throatcausesblood - filled tumors in his head , neck and throat

in malformed blood vesselsresultsin malformed blood vessels

tumors in the neck and lungscausestumors in the neck and lungs

blood - filled tumorscausesblood - filled tumors

of more regularly dilated vessels filled with red blood cellsis composedof more regularly dilated vessels filled with red blood cells

blood vesselswould causeblood vessels

In most casescausesIn most cases

blood - filled tumors in his head , neck and throatcausesblood - filled tumors in his head , neck and throat


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