The Hemangiomas can develop in the top skin layers causing a Capillary Hemongioma or in the deeper layers of skincausinga Cavernous Hemangioma
of dilated sinusoidal vascular channels , differential from capillary - sized vessels in capillary hemangioma13(passive) is composedCavernous hemangioma
the abnormal growth of a blood vessel that affects the right side of the face , neck and upper chest(passive) caused byCavernous hemangioma
accidentally(passive) was ... discoveredA cavernous hemangioma
of large endothelium - lined vascular spaces with unclear pathogenesis and without degenerative potential(passive) is usually composedCavernous hemangioma
incidentally(passive) may be ... discoveredCavernous hemangioma
of large thin - walled vessels and sinusoids lined with a single layer of endothelium(passive) is composedThe cavernous hemangioma
QuestionWhatcausessplenic hemangioma
of cavernous vascular spaces that are lined by flat endothelium with inconspicuous nuclei(passive) is composedSplenic hemangioma
monoclonal expansion of cells ... confirming that it is a neoplasia(passive) is caused bysclerosing hemangioma
weakened and malformed blood vessels , as well as tumors in his nose and throatcausesweakened and malformed blood vessels , as well as tumors in his nose and throat
in the vertebral body [ 3–6originatingin the vertebral body [ 3–6
from superior petrosal sinus - Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences 2002originatingfrom superior petrosal sinus - Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences 2002
of vascular spaces of thin wallcomposedof vascular spaces of thin wall
to thrombophlebitis in major salivary glands in adultsmay leadto thrombophlebitis in major salivary glands in adults er - hemangioma - and - any - symptoms?p=1763489 ) A Rare Case of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding(passive) Caused by er - hemangioma - and - any - symptoms?p=1763489 ) A Rare Case of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
of thin - walled blood vessels and red blood cellscomposedof thin - walled blood vessels and red blood cells
of a collection of large , thin walled tortuous veins that can occur in any part of the central nervous system but lack intervening nervous tissuecomposedof a collection of large , thin walled tortuous veins that can occur in any part of the central nervous system but lack intervening nervous tissue
complications such as trace amount of per oral bleed to a massive bout of blood due to rupture ... thereby mimicking completely unrelated pathologiescan causecomplications such as trace amount of per oral bleed to a massive bout of blood due to rupture ... thereby mimicking completely unrelated pathologies
of irregular cavernous vascular spacescomposedof irregular cavernous vascular spaces
vascular tumors in the head and neckcausesvascular tumors in the head and neck
tumors filled with blood vessels to grow throughout his bodycausestumors filled with blood vessels to grow throughout his body
damaged blood vessels and tumors in his head , brain , neck , and throatcausesdamaged blood vessels and tumors in his head , brain , neck , and throat
tumors filled with blood vessels to grow throughout Bucklew 's body , including in Bucklew 's head , face , neck , and oral cavitycausestumors filled with blood vessels to grow throughout Bucklew 's body , including in Bucklew 's head , face , neck , and oral cavity
blood - filled tumors to grow throughout his head , neck , and throatcausesblood - filled tumors to grow throughout his head , neck , and throat
blood - filled tumors in his head , neck and throatcausesblood - filled tumors in his head , neck and throat
him to have blood - filled tumors on his body , notably on his face and neckcauseshim to have blood - filled tumors on his body , notably on his face and neck
of large dilated blood - filled vesselscomposedof large dilated blood - filled vessels
blood - filled tumors to form from his neck uphas causedblood - filled tumors to form from his neck up
damaged blood vessels and tumors in Bucklew 's head , brain , neck , and throatcausesdamaged blood vessels and tumors in Bucklew 's head , brain , neck , and throat
from the posterior end of inferior turbinateoriginatingfrom the posterior end of inferior turbinate
a single or cluster of bubbles within the vesselcreatesa single or cluster of bubbles within the vessel
in clusters of malformed blood vessels and tumors that grow on his face , neck and throatresultsin clusters of malformed blood vessels and tumors that grow on his face , neck and throat
tumors to grow in Bucklew ’s head , neck , and throatcausestumors to grow in Bucklew ’s head , neck , and throat
of large vascular spaces lined by a single layer of uniform flattened cellscomposedof large vascular spaces lined by a single layer of uniform flattened cells
of more regularly dilated vessels filled with red blood cellsis composedof more regularly dilated vessels filled with red blood cells
the maxilla and the nasal boneinfluencesthe maxilla and the nasal bone
from a tendon sheath at the wristoriginatingfrom a tendon sheath at the wrist
blood - filled tumors to grow on his head , neck and throatcausesblood - filled tumors to grow on his head , neck and throat
in the olfactory cleftoriginatingin the olfactory cleft
to brain surgery in 2014ledto brain surgery in 2014
in unstable tumors in his head and neck causing frequent bleeding from his nose , eyes , and mouthresultsin unstable tumors in his head and neck causing frequent bleeding from his nose , eyes , and mouth
of numerous distended blood - filled channels ( hematoxylin and eosin stain , magnification not available).REVIEW OF PUBLISHED CASESWecomposedof numerous distended blood - filled channels ( hematoxylin and eosin stain , magnification not available).REVIEW OF PUBLISHED CASESWe
from lateral wall of nasal cavity or from the middle wall of paranasal sinusoriginatefrom lateral wall of nasal cavity or from the middle wall of paranasal sinus
in the maxillary sinusoriginatingin the maxillary sinus