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Qaagi - Book of Why



genetic disorders , liver or kidney problems , and certain medications(passive) may be caused byCarnitine deficiencies

genetic disorders , liver or kidney problems , high - fat diets , certain medications , and low dietary levels of the amino acids lysine and methionine(passive) may be caused byCarnitine deficiencies

Muscular manifestations associated with a high CPK , unexplained cardiomyopathy , an increase in some forms of acylcarnitine andshould leada carnitine defect

to understand your own carnitine levelsmay causecarnitine deficiencies

to poor energy production in the heart and poor metabolism of fatsalso leadto poor energy production in the heart and poor metabolism of fats

from genetic disorderscan resultfrom genetic disorders

the outcome of GTR therapy in intrabony defectsinfluencesthe outcome of GTR therapy in intrabony defects

symptoms such as fatigue , chest pain , muscle pain , weakness , low blood pressuremay causesymptoms such as fatigue , chest pain , muscle pain , weakness , low blood pressure

symptoms such as fatigue , chest pain , muscle pain , weakness , low blood pressure , and/or confusionmay causesymptoms such as fatigue , chest pain , muscle pain , weakness , low blood pressure , and/or confusion


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