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Qaagi - Book of Why



changes 2 genes that control how cells function(passive) is caused byCancer

in part by DNA changes ( mutations ) that turn on oncogenes or turn off tumor suppressor genes(passive) can be causedCancer

factors ( radiation , chemicals , viruses ) modifying the cells dna to an extent where the cell starts to divide rapidly and uncontrollably ( hence the tumor(passive) is caused bycancer

DNA changes ( mutations ) that turn on oncogenes or turn off tumor suppressor genes(passive) can be caused byCancer

Cancer Carcinogens are knownto causecancer

external carcinogens , like chemicals , radiation , and viruses , as well as internal factors , like hormones , immune conditions , and inherited mutations(passive) is caused byCancer

changes ( mutations ) to genes that control the way cells function and uncontrolled cell growth(passive) is caused byCancer

Worse still , many have been shown to be carcinogenic ... or have been found in tumor samples possibly causingcancer

Exposure to some types of carcinogenic chemicalscan causecancer

DNA mutations that affect the oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes , which can lead to an excessive accumulation of cells(passive) can be caused byCancer

carcinogens such as smoking / tobacco , alcohol , industrial toxins(passive) is caused byCancer

by exposure to various types of carcinogens such as chemicals and dyes , wood dust and high levels of synthetic chemicals(passive) caused byCancer

external ( carcinogens , radiation , and smoking ) factorscausecancer

mutations within the genome that result in the development of oncogenes or tumour suppressor genes which both cause the uncontrolled proliferation of cells in opposed ways(passive) is caused byCancer

researchers ... the gene changes in cellscausecancer

How To Treatment Blood Cancer Carcinogens are knownto causecancer

Cancer Treatment Without Radiation Carcinogens are knownto causecancer

Radiation that damages DNA and cell tissuecausingcancer

Each patients cancer ... that are knownto causecancer

Radiation , physical carcinogens such as asbestos fibers , and chemicalscan causecancer

by multiple factors , including genes , signaling pathways , and interactions with other cells and other factors in and around the tumor(passive) is influenced bycancer

numerous factors , such as genetics , smoking , eating a bad diet or ingesting or inhaling known carcinogens such as asbestos(passive) is usually caused byCancer

the uncontrolled division of certain cells which increases their number and causes the formation of a cell mass called Tumor(passive) is caused byCancer

Genes , chemicals from the environment ( called carcinogens ) , and radiation exposure allcan causecancer

Asbestos ... a known human carcinogencausescancer

from exposure to carcinogenic elements in the environment like asbestos , coal or formaldehyde(passive) can also be causedCancer

mutations in DNA either from carcinogens , radiation , chemicals , or infectious agents(passive) is usually caused byCancer

Carcinogens ... known molecules of chemicalscan causecancer

physical carcinogens ( ultraviolet and ionizing radiation ) , chemical carcinogens ( asbestos , components of tobacco smoke , aflatoxin and arsenic ) , and biological carcinogens ( infections from certain viruses , bacteria or parasites(passive) is caused byCancer

genetic mutations , either inherited mutations , or those that are acquired over time through exposure to carcinogens or as a consequence of the normal metabolism of cells(passive) is caused byCancer

It is not known ... , but the carcinogens found in cigarettes , chewing tobacco , and other products that contain tobaccocausescancer

Some chemicals , called carcinogens , are provento causecancer

many known carcinogens substancescausecancer

A carcinogen ... any substance ( including toxins , radiationcausescancer

that certain genes in healthy cells , called oncogenes , can be activated by chemicals and virusesto causecancer

one known human carcinogento causecancer

by exposure to a carcinogen known as asbestos(passive) caused bycancer

Chemicals and other substances knownto causecancer

by 20 exposure to a known carcinogen which is recognized as a Group 1 21 carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer(passive) is caused by Cancer

the impact of carcinogen ( substances and exposures that are known or suspectedto causecancer

because of the cancer in some other parts of the bodyis causedbecause of the cancer in some other parts of the body

Understanding CancercausesUnderstanding Cancer

tissue in the body to grow unusually , developing cancerscausestissue in the body to grow unusually , developing cancers

from the growth of a malignant tumorresultsfrom the growth of a malignant tumor

an overgrowth of cells that form a tumorcausesan overgrowth of cells that form a tumor

abnormal cell growth , which causes tumorcausesabnormal cell growth , which causes tumor

tumors in bonecausingtumors in bone

Many cancerscan ... causeMany cancers

to more deaths than all these cancers combinedthus leadingto more deaths than all these cancers combined

malignant tumors and loss of normal body organ functioncausesmalignant tumors and loss of normal body organ function

cancers symptomscan causecancers symptoms

from abnormal growth of cells , known as tumorsresultsfrom abnormal growth of cells , known as tumors

tumors all over his body's causingtumors all over his body

about 13 % of all human deaths in 2007causedabout 13 % of all human deaths in 2007

cancer , a known carcinogencausescancer , a known carcinogen

to the increased cancers from our sunlight exposureis leadingto the increased cancers from our sunlight exposure

in tumors in and on his bodyresultedin tumors in and on his body

tumor Paincausingtumor Pain

tumors which are abnormal masses of tissuecan causetumors which are abnormal masses of tissue

abnormal cell growth , which causes tumors which affect organscausesabnormal cell growth , which causes tumors which affect organs

abnormal cell growth , which causes tumors affecting organscausesabnormal cell growth , which causes tumors affecting organs

Several forms of cancerscan resultSeveral forms of cancers

abnormal cell growth , which causes tumors that affect organscausesabnormal cell growth , which causes tumors that affect organs

Several forms of cancerscan leadSeveral forms of cancers

abnormal cell growth , which causes tumors that have an effect on organscausesabnormal cell growth , which causes tumors that have an effect on organs

early symptomsmay causeearly symptoms

from overdiagnosis and treatment of tumors too smallhas resultedfrom overdiagnosis and treatment of tumors too small

cells to divide uncontrollably resulting in tumors , damage to the immune system , and other fatal impairmentcausescells to divide uncontrollably resulting in tumors , damage to the immune system , and other fatal impairment

from the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells which form tumorsresultsfrom the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells which form tumors

abnormal cell growth , which then causes tumors affecting organscausesabnormal cell growth , which then causes tumors affecting organs

tumors in her lungscausestumors in her lungs

when the cells present in the body grow at an uncontrolled rate leading to the formation of a tumorcausedwhen the cells present in the body grow at an uncontrolled rate leading to the formation of a tumor

abnormal cell growth , which then causes tumors which affect organscausesabnormal cell growth , which then causes tumors which affect organs

abnormal cell growth , which then causes tumors that affect organscausesabnormal cell growth , which then causes tumors that affect organs


in inflammation or tumorresultingin inflammation or tumor

abnormal cell progress , which causes tumors that affect organscausesabnormal cell progress , which causes tumors that affect organs

abnormal cell development , which causes tumors that have an effect on organscausesabnormal cell development , which causes tumors that have an effect on organs

abnormal cells to grow in the body , which form large masses called tumorscausesabnormal cells to grow in the body , which form large masses called tumors

a malignant tumor in his spine(passive) caused bya malignant tumor in his spine


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