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Qaagi - Book of Why



Higher dosescan causeoverdose

Opiate abuse(passive) caused byOverdose

High doses of morphine can quickly overwhelm the bodycausingoverdose

Abuse of this drugcan causeoverdose

Big doses of the medicationscausesoverdose

a dose ... too highcausesoverdose

They may be havingcausingoverdose

Ketaminecan causeoverdose

150 large dosescan causeoverdose

Ingestion of carisoprodol with Alcoholic beverages or other psychotropic medicinecould causeoverdose

by drinking too many energy drinks(passive) caused byoverdose

This drugleadOverdose

Big doses of the medicationscould causeoverdose

Big doses of the medicinesmay causeoverdose

Ingestion of carisoprodol with Alcoholic beverages or other psychotropic medicationmay well causeoverdose

opiumto causeoverdose

Ingestion of carisoprodol with Alcoholic beverages or other psychotropic prescription drugsmay perhaps causeoverdose

Big doses of the medicinescould causeoverdose

gas ... so much opiumcould causeoverdose

by an opioid drug(passive) is caused byoverdose

that prescribedcan causeoverdose

Ingestion of carisoprodol with alcohol or other psychotropic medicinemay causeoverdose

if caffeine is taken with acetaminophencan causeoverdose

This sudden increase from one dose to the nextcan causeoverdose

They are really havingcausingoverdose

They may be takingcausingoverdose

They can be takingcausingoverdose

Big doses of those medicinescould causeoverdose

drugmay causeoverdose

When used illegally , many Demerol have been reported ... , especially if overdosedto causeoverdose

These are takingcausingoverdose

Ingestion of carisoprodol with alcohol or other psychotropic medicinemay well causeoverdose

They 're takingcausingoverdose

They may be usingcausingoverdose

drugto causeoverdose

Big doses of those medicationsmay causeoverdose

They may be gettingcausingoverdose

they are takingcausingoverdose

Drugscan causeoverdose

Large doses of these medicationscan causeoverdose

to cardiac arrest , seizures and deathleadingto cardiac arrest , seizures and death

side effects of the drugcausesside effects of the drug

to neurological dysfunction such as seizures , paralysis and comato leadto neurological dysfunction such as seizures , paralysis and coma

respiratory depression , unconsciousness and deathcausingrespiratory depression , unconsciousness and death

severe headache or intoxicationmay causesevere headache or intoxication

coma , convulsions , respiratory arrest and death ... leads to malnutrition , infection and hepatitiscan causecoma , convulsions , respiratory arrest and death ... leads to malnutrition , infection and hepatitis

severe intoxication leading to cardiogenic shock , renal failure , coma or deathcan causesevere intoxication leading to cardiogenic shock , renal failure , coma or death

side effects of the drugcan causeside effects of the drug

increased heart rate , nausea , tachycardia , sweating and other significant cardiovascular effectscan causeincreased heart rate , nausea , tachycardia , sweating and other significant cardiovascular effects

in seizures , cardiac arrest , stroke , comatose state , and deathresultingin seizures , cardiac arrest , stroke , comatose state , and death

fast heartbeat , very low blood pressure , coma , possibly deathcan causefast heartbeat , very low blood pressure , coma , possibly death

in death of dysfunctioncould resultin death of dysfunction

to deathleadingto death

death(passive) caused bydeath

severe 30 mg weakness , pinpoint pupils , very slow 30 mg , extreme drowsiness , oxycodone comacan causesevere 30 mg weakness , pinpoint pupils , very slow 30 mg , extreme drowsiness , oxycodone coma

death or possible extreme brain damagecausingdeath or possible extreme brain damage

fast heartbeat , very low blood pressure , coma and deathcan causefast heartbeat , very low blood pressure , coma and death

to deathmay leadto death

seizures , coma , psychosis , and deathcausingseizures , coma , psychosis , and death

in severe psychosismay resultin severe psychosis

in severe psychosismay resultin severe psychosis

in deathcan resultin death

unconsciousness and/or convulsionsmay causeunconsciousness and/or convulsions

thirst , fainting , drowsiness , confusion ... slow heart beatmay causethirst , fainting , drowsiness , confusion ... slow heart beat

thirst , fainting , drowsiness , confusionmay causethirst , fainting , drowsiness , confusion

to severe psychosismay leadto severe psychosis

to severe psychosismay leadto severe psychosis


to cardiac arrest and deathleadsto cardiac arrest and death

in deathhas resultedin death

confusion and giddiness , possible seizurescan causeconfusion and giddiness , possible seizures

deathpossibly causingdeath

rapid unconsciousness followed by deathcausesrapid unconsciousness followed by death

poisoning ... leads to seizures , coma , and deathcan causepoisoning ... leads to seizures , coma , and death

life - threatening problems such as seizurescan causelife - threatening problems such as seizures

severe psychosiscan causesevere psychosis

severe psychosiscan causesevere psychosis

to deathcan leadto death

to death as wellcan leadto death as well

in stupor , coma , shock , respiratory depression and deathhas resultedin stupor , coma , shock , respiratory depression and death


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