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rotting meat and seafood(passive) were discoveredMouldy bread

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aspergillosiscan also causeaspergillosis

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to the discovery of penicillinledto the discovery of penicillin

to health problems in some peoplecan leadto health problems in some people

infections and diseasecan also causeinfections and disease

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a disease known as aspergillosis a fatal lung affection that can eradicate entire wildfowl flockscan ... can ... causea disease known as aspergillosis a fatal lung affection that can eradicate entire wildfowl flocks

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bread to moldWill ... causebread to mold

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to serious health issuescan leadto serious health issues

a disease known as aspergillosis , a fatal lung affection that can eradicate entire wildfowl flockscan also causea disease known as aspergillosis , a fatal lung affection that can eradicate entire wildfowl flocks

aspergillosis , a fatal lung infection that can decimate entire duck and waterfowl flockscan causeaspergillosis , a fatal lung infection that can decimate entire duck and waterfowl flocks

a fatal lung infection that can decimate entire duck and waterfowl flockscan causea fatal lung infection that can decimate entire duck and waterfowl flocks

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penicillin(passive) was discoveredpenicillin

effects similar to those of LSDcan causeeffects similar to those of LSD

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in hallucinationsresultedin hallucinations

effects similar to LSDcan causeeffects similar to LSD

penicillin(passive) was discoveredpenicillin

Rome 's collapsecausedRome 's collapse


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