due to the leakage of which gas(passive) was causedBhopal Gas Tragedy
a leak of poisonous methyl - isocyanide gas(passive) was caused byBhopal Gas Tragedy
Bhopal gas tragedyDecember 3 , 2009Mixing of water in UCIL tankcausedBhopal gas tragedy
an extremely dangerous gas called PhosgenecausedBhopal Gas Tragedy
an open letter to sensitise the policy makers and people about the harmful nature of pollution from diesel carsIn a dramatic development on December 11 , 2015 a group of 24 scientists from Q1- Which of the following chemicalscausedBhopal gas tragedy
indian judiciary(passive) caused bybhopal gas tragedy
India ratifies stepto preventrecurrance of Bhopal gas tragedy
a company from the doyen of Capitalism , USAcausedBhopal Gas Tragedy
C(passive) was caused byBhopal Gas Tragedy
The Union Carbide India Limited ( UCILcausedBhopal Gas Tragedy
a responsible care system with other members of the chemical industry as a response to the bhopal crisiscausea responsible care system with other members of the chemical industry as a response to the bhopal crisis
the single biggest air pollution tragedy which , according to official sources , claimed lives , whereas non - governmental sources put the figure much highercausedthe single biggest air pollution tragedy which , according to official sources , claimed lives , whereas non - governmental sources put the figure much higher
the single biggest air pollution tragedy which , according to official sources , claimed 2500 lives , whereas non - governmental sources put the figure much highercausedthe single biggest air pollution tragedy which , according to official sources , claimed 2500 lives , whereas non - governmental sources put the figure much higher
to death of 3,787 people On this dayleadsto death of 3,787 people On this day
health issues(passive) caused byhealth issues
to many more deaths than the terror attack ... till date grapples to attain justiceledto many more deaths than the terror attack ... till date grapples to attain justice
to death of thousands of peopleleadingto death of thousands of people
diseases(passive) were caused bydiseases
the Government of Indiatriggeredthe Government of India
Government to pass compulsory public liability act in 1991promptedGovernment to pass compulsory public liability act in 1991