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Qaagi - Book of Why



any potential health risks ... thatmight resultfrom the radiation from cell phones

any potential health risksmight resultfrom the radiation from cell phones

serious harm , including brain cancercan causeserious harm , including brain cancer

mutations in the cells of animals and plantscausesmutations in the cells of animals and plants

infertility in mencan causeinfertility in men

various birth defects in your babycan causevarious birth defects in your baby

to an increase in certain types of tumors in the brainledto an increase in certain types of tumors in the brain

to the following problemscan leadto the following problems

the diseasecausesthe disease

to an increase in certain types of tumors in the brain ( gliomas ) and the heart ( schwannomasledto an increase in certain types of tumors in the brain ( gliomas ) and the heart ( schwannomas

cancercan causecancer

to heart tumours in male rates ... along with some evidence that it caused brain tumoursledto heart tumours in male rates ... along with some evidence that it caused brain tumours

cancer or other health problemscan causecancer or other health problems

tumors and heart damage in ratscausedtumors and heart damage in rats

cancercan ... causecancer

possiblycan ... causepossibly

to health problemscan leadto health problems

to cancermay leadto cancer

the tumors(passive) to be caused bythe tumors

the potential dangers(passive) caused bythe potential dangers

or exacerbate headaches ... so those suffering from migraine disease do well to avoid constant cell phone usemay causeor exacerbate headaches ... so those suffering from migraine disease do well to avoid constant cell phone use

brain tumours and heart muscle schwann cell cancerscausesbrain tumours and heart muscle schwann cell cancers

cancer in ratscausedcancer in rats

cancer ... according to the world health organizationcan ... causecancer ... according to the world health organization

brain cancercausesbrain cancer

health issuesmay causehealth issues

cellular damage or even cancer(passive) caused bycellular damage or even cancer

cancercould causecancer

cancer Some believe the cancer risk from cell phone usage could be as dangerous as smokingcan causecancer Some believe the cancer risk from cell phone usage could be as dangerous as smoking

to brain tumorsmight leadto brain tumors

a rare cancercauseda rare cancer

cancers compared to a similar non - exposed group of rats ... give credence to the results of observational humancan causecancers compared to a similar non - exposed group of rats ... give credence to the results of observational human

cancers compared to a similar non - exposed group of rats ... give credence to the results of observational human studies , and point strongly to cause and effectcan causecancers compared to a similar non - exposed group of rats ... give credence to the results of observational human studies , and point strongly to cause and effect

red blood cellscausesred blood cells

a rare cancer in the hearts of male ratscauseda rare cancer in the hearts of male rats

brain cancer ... and that childrencausesbrain cancer ... and that children

brain cancercan ... causebrain cancer

DNA damage in the sperm of ratscausedDNA damage in the sperm of rats

increased activitycan causeincreased activity

brain cancer ... andcausesbrain cancer ... and

cancerDoes ... causecancer

brain damagedid causebrain damage


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