Popular writers like William Wordsworth , Samuel Taylor Coleridge , Walter Scott , Robert Burns who were belonging to eighteen and nineteenth centuriescomposedballad - like poems
often(passive) are ... composedBallad poems
to be sung and generally are about love(passive) were designedBallad poems
modern international poet members of PoetrySoup(passive) composed byballad poetry
in what McMurtry unhelpfully distinguishes as “ legend , ” out of which he sayshas createda ballad in prose
that Joyce Carol Oates wantsto createa " ballad in prose
the commissioned musical ratingsetYeats's poetry to song
Western writer supreme Larry McMurtry ... that he wantsto createa " ballad in prose
we catsinventedcatterel poetry
with the European folk tradition -- a storytelling practice in which narratives were passed down orally and the lyrics often were accompanied by musicoriginatedwith the European folk tradition -- a storytelling practice in which narratives were passed down orally and the lyrics often were accompanied by music
to music in this workis setto music in this work
in verse andis setin verse and
with the intention that they will be sungis composedwith the intention that they will be sung