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Qaagi - Book of Why



Poor assumptionscausepoor decision - making

An incorrect conclusioncan leadto bad decision making

-- > being brokecausesbad decisions

judgementcausespoor decision making

Lack of sleep is itcausesbad decisions

bad datacausespoor decision making

Not understanding consequencescausespoor decision making

Principleleadbad decisions

that clouds people?s judgementcausespoor decision making

makes your judgment less effectiveleadingto bad decision making

your judgment less effectiveleadingto bad decision making

Poor competitioncan leadto bad decision - making

This overconfidencecould causepoor decision making

A high stress levelcausespoor decision - making

poor assumptions and generalizationswill leadto bad decision making

emotionsto ... causebad decisions

poor ethical choices ... other behavioral factorscan causepoor decision making

Lack of confidenceoften leadsbad decision - making

a mistake'll causepoor decision making

the process itselfis causingpoor decision making

Lack of informationcan causebad decision making

that tendto causepoor decision - making

that too many choices and too much detail lead to decision fatigue , a state of overwhelmcausespoor decision making

master data of poor qualitywill ... provokebad decisions

Understandcausesbad decisions

Wrong ( or too many ) metricscan leadto bad decision - making

worrycausesterrible decision - making

The combination made them very impulsive , he sayscould causepoor decision - making

such a thinkingmay causebad decisions

Angerleadsto bad decision - making

the judgmentwill ... leadto bad decision - making

Inhibition in the prefrontal cortexwould causepoor decision making

Alcoholcan leadto bad decision making

too littlecausespoor decision making

Failure to identify the truthleadsto bad decision - making

mental issuescan causepoor decision making

The lack of sleepcan causepoor decision - making

This confusion , anger and frustrationcould causepoor decision - making

Trading too muchcausespoor decision making

This lack of patienceleadsto bad decision making

to mistakes , which leads to more workleadsto mistakes , which leads to more work

to too many turnoversleadsto too many turnovers

to drug and/or alcohol abuse , crime , homelessness and zero self - worthcan leadto drug and/or alcohol abuse , crime , homelessness and zero self - worth

to a horrible resultledto a horrible result

those mistakescausedthose mistakes

to poor consequencesleadsto poor consequences

to disastercan leadto disaster

in a catastrophe 4resultingin a catastrophe 4

in a catastropheresultingin a catastrophe

in negative work outcomesresultsin negative work outcomes

to higher chancesleadsto higher chances

in a low quality end productresultingin a low quality end product

in losscan resultin loss

to overspending etcleadingto overspending etc

to a year of bad decisionsleadto a year of bad decisions

to repercussionsledto repercussions

the businessleadsthe business

to decreased efficiencyCan leadto decreased efficiency

to more bad decisionsleadsto more bad decisions

the damage(passive) caused bythe damage

to disaster ... not allowing hostage takers enough time to mull over their optionsleadsto disaster ... not allowing hostage takers enough time to mull over their options

in playersresultedin players

to the failure of an organizationcan leadto the failure of an organization

to business mistakesleadsto business mistakes

to disasterleadsto disaster

to poor executionleadsto poor execution

the accidentcausingthe accident

his or her life in a negative or non - progressing directionleadinghis or her life in a negative or non - progressing direction

in bad goalshas ... resultedin bad goals

to turnovers and an avalanche of points on usledto turnovers and an avalanche of points on us



to physical injury or financial misstepsleadsto physical injury or financial missteps

to multiple distractions to this organizationhas ledto multiple distractions to this organization

to increased accidentsleadingto increased accidents

in their plightresultedin their plight

to incidents and accidents can leadto incidents and accidents

to obvious failuresleadingto obvious failures

in turnoversresultedin turnovers

to sudden lane changes , wide turns , and dangerous interactions with bridges and roadwaysleadsto sudden lane changes , wide turns , and dangerous interactions with bridges and roadways


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