The increase in adherenceresultsfrom an autonomy - supportive style
health technologiesshould ... be designedin autonomy supportive ways
burnoutto preventburnout
an environment that emphasizes self - improvement , rather than beating others Prompting using cues to initiate behaviorcreatingan environment that emphasizes self - improvement , rather than beating others Prompting using cues to initiate behavior
the participant or athlete ’s perceptions of competence , autonomy and relatednessinfluencethe participant or athlete ’s perceptions of competence , autonomy and relatedness
strategies and structure unlike other “ one sizecreatingstrategies and structure unlike other “ one size
to more autonomous motivation for taking these oral medicationsledto more autonomous motivation for taking these oral medications
transformational relationships characterized by trust , care , listening , openness , and demonstrated confidence in teacherscan createtransformational relationships characterized by trust , care , listening , openness , and demonstrated confidence in teachers
to this changecontributedto this change
to greater performanceleadto greater performance
athletes to be more likely to continue participating in the sportcausesathletes to be more likely to continue participating in the sport
students to more fully internalize regulations and to put more effort into the learningledstudents to more fully internalize regulations and to put more effort into the learning