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Qaagi - Book of Why



even thinking of the feared situationcausesanxiety

excessive worry or stress(passive) may be caused byAnxiety

Too much of worry or fearcan causeAnxiety

Fear from the not knowncausesanxiety

by a fear of people(passive) caused byanxiety

even fearcausesanxiety

ongoing unwanted / intrusive thoughts and fearscauseanxiety

a person has ongoing unwanted / intrusive thoughts and fearscauseanxiety

ongoing unwanted and intrusive thoughts and fearscauseanxiety

Just the thought of getting through the daycausesanxiety

thoughts about the future and the past(passive) is caused by Anxiety

the anxiety symptoms ... the situationcausesanxiety

The mind ... to stresscausesanxiety

There are certain situations , people or places that can trigger off anxious thoughts , even just going out in publiccan causeanxiety

Just the thought of getting through the daymay provokeanxiety

the fear of uncertainty(passive) is caused byAnxiety

by fear and worry trigger anger(passive) caused byAnxiety

The fear of knowing it?s going to happen ... enoughto causeanxiety

Constant fear of missing eventscan causeanxiety

Simply the thought of getting through the daycausesanxiety

fear of something(passive) is caused byAnxiety

the thought of getting through the dayprovokesanxiety

common situations with high levels of worry or avoidance of common situationscauseanxiety

Simply the thought of getting through the dayprovokesanxiety

current situations ... the factorsare causinganxiety

Something is going on in your mindis causinganxiety

just thoughts of getting through the daycan causeanxiety

Simply the thought of getting through the daycan provokeanxiety

even just going out in publiccan causeanxiety

numerous triggers , such as worrying about a future event , or a sense of dread or panic , or just a sense of uncertainty(passive) is caused byAnxiety

Even the thought of itmay causeanxiety

due to intense thinking and fear of something or someone(passive) is causedAnxiety

the fear of actual situations or sensation or anticipated ones(passive) caused byanxiety

by the fear of actual situations or sensations , or anticipated ones(passive) caused byanxiety

even the thoughtcausesanxiety

the fear of actual situations or sensations , or anticipated ones(passive) caused byanxiety

places , things and eventscauseanxiety

multiple factors , including stress due to overwork , illness , a poor diet , poor sleeping habits , emotional distress , sensitivity to noise , and phobia like fear of the dark , or simply the pressure(passive) can be caused byAnxiety

fear and panic ... situationscould ... causeanxiety

due to excessive worry or fear of a situation or event(passive) is causedAnxiety

an individual to feel an undue amount of fear , panic , and other negative emotions , usually without any apparent causecausesan individual to feel an undue amount of fear , panic , and other negative emotions , usually without any apparent cause

worry , fear and dreadmay causeworry , fear and dread

them to experience this fearcausesthem to experience this fear

to fear and worrymay leadto fear and worry

to fear and panicis leadingto fear and panic

uneasiness , fear and worrycausesuneasiness , fear and worry

fear , apprehension , nervousness and worryingcausesfear , apprehension , nervousness and worrying

to fear , nervousness , worryingcan leadto fear , nervousness , worrying

as well as the mild anxiety that can happen when patients arrive in our office for a dental appointment or treatmentcan cause as well as the mild anxiety that can happen when patients arrive in our office for a dental appointment or treatment

excessive worry or fearcan causeexcessive worry or fear

to having unhealthy stress on mindmay leadto having unhealthy stress on mind

worrying , nervousness and fearcan causeworrying , nervousness and fear

to having unhealthy stress on mindmight leadto having unhealthy stress on mind

feelings of worry or nervousnesscan causefeelings of worry or nervousness

apprehension , fear , nervousness , and worrycan causeapprehension , fear , nervousness , and worry

someone to experience fear , nervousness , and worrycausessomeone to experience fear , nervousness , and worry

in fear , nervousness , tension , and uneasinessmay resultin fear , nervousness , tension , and uneasiness

me to worry about things that are out of my controlcausesme to worry about things that are out of my control

nervousness , fear , apprehension and worryingcan causenervousness , fear , apprehension and worrying

stress and fearcan causestress and fear

like fearcauseslike fear

to thoughts of fearwill leadto thoughts of fear

to thoughts of fear , and panicwill leadto thoughts of fear , and panic

a lot of unnecessary worry and tensioncan causea lot of unnecessary worry and tension

to feelings of nervousness , worry , fear or tensionleadsto feelings of nervousness , worry , fear or tension

me to think negative fearful thoughtscausesme to think negative fearful thoughts

feelings of danger or fear or anticipation of a negative outcomecausesfeelings of danger or fear or anticipation of a negative outcome

constant worrying and fearcausesconstant worrying and fear

intense feelings of worry and fearcausesintense feelings of worry and fear

a similar feeling of fear , worry , or uneasinesscausesa similar feeling of fear , worry , or uneasiness

a person to fear , worry , or even become nervous when facing situationscan causea person to fear , worry , or even become nervous when facing situations

us to worry , panic and stresscausesus to worry , panic and stress

worry , fear and sleeplessnesscan resultworry , fear and sleeplessness

nervousness , worry and tensioncausesnervousness , worry and tension

nervousness , fear , apprehension and worryingcausesnervousness , fear , apprehension and worrying

a person to fear , worry , or even become nervous when facingcan causea person to fear , worry , or even become nervous when facing

to increase in heartbeat & feeling of fearleadsto increase in heartbeat & feeling of fear

you persistent fear and worryIs ... causingyou persistent fear and worry

intense feelings of worry or nervousnesscan causeintense feelings of worry or nervousness

feelings of worry or fear , which can negatively impact your daily lifecausesfeelings of worry or fear , which can negatively impact your daily life


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