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Qaagi - Book of Why



a procedurecausesin patients undergoing open cardiac surgery

Anemiamay influencethe recovery of patients undergoing cardiac surgery

by Enterobacter cloacae arising from cardioplegia ice A.S. Breathnach , P.A. Riley , S. Shad , S.M. Jownally , R. Law(passive) caused bycardiac surgery patients

by severe intraoperative hypotension(passive) caused bycardiac surgery patients , global systemic hypoperfusion

by Enterobacter cloacae arising from cardioplegia ice(passive) caused bycardiac surgery patients

a foreign bodycan resultfrom cardiac surgery patients

Infection controlsetaccomplished in the needs of paediatric cardiac surgery patients

Infection guideset masterlyin the needs of paediatric cardiac surgery patients

a factorinfluencingoutcome in patients undergoing cardiac surgery

In early 1994 , Dr. Lawrie spent 3 months in Glasgow , Scotlandsettinga cardiac surgery program

some changes in their vital signscan causesome changes in their vital signs

to the initiation of an insulin infusion sliding scalehas ledto the initiation of an insulin infusion sliding scale

to helpdesignedto help

to a significant reduction in the total costs of care and to a non significant reduction in the number of re - sternotomiesledto a significant reduction in the total costs of care and to a non significant reduction in the number of re - sternotomies

in a significant increase of stroke with a trend toward a reduction of the need for surgical re - explorationcould resultin a significant increase of stroke with a trend toward a reduction of the need for surgical re - exploration

to severe peri- and post morbiditiesleadto severe peri- and post morbidities

to improved clinical outcomes ( 11,12will leadto improved clinical outcomes ( 11,12

significantly upregulated in AF 37resultedsignificantly upregulated in AF 37

if left untreatedcausesif left untreated


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