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Qaagi - Book of Why



Dehydration and alcohol consumptioncan also causeelevations in blood pressure

the buildup of plaque in arteries(passive) is often caused byBlood pressure elevation

some situationsare causingblood pressure elevation

a central nervous system depressant , alcoholdoes causeblood pressure elevation

These medications are knownto causeelevations in blood pressure

Kidney disease and diabetescan also causeelevations in blood pressure

exposure of phenylephrinemay causeelevations in blood pressure

things ... iecan causeblood pressure elevation

Etccan causeelevation of blood pressure

Other medications , such as cyclosporinealso can causeelevations in blood pressure

medicationscauseelevations in blood pressure

by standing up , which(passive) caused byElevation blood pressure

the renal vesselscauseelevation of blood pressure

Other drugscan causeblood pressure elevation

Medications such as oral contraceptives and bronchodilatorscan also causeelevations in blood pressure

cyclosporines ... also can causeelevations in blood pressure

Vitamin Ecan causeelevation of blood pressure

The production of uric acidcauseselevation in blood pressure

blood pressure ... anxietycausesblood pressure elevation

Decongestants , such as pseudoephedrinecan also causeelevations in blood pressure

msmay causeelevation of blood pressure

ms , ... , [ 6 ] andmay causeelevation of blood pressure

inhibition of brain glutathione reductase(passive) caused byBlood pressure elevation

a combination of medicationscauseelevations in blood pressure

Gengrafcan also causeelevations in blood pressure

Systemic exposure of phenylephrinemay causeelevations in blood pressure

an adrenal hormonecauseselevation of blood pressure

medicationscauseelevation in the blood pressure levels

blood vesselscausingelevation of blood pressure

systemic exposure to phenylephrinemay causeelevations in blood pressure

Meridia is knownto causeelevation of blood pressure

Cocaine OverdosesCauseHyperthermia Elevation of blood pressure

by the following(passive) can be caused byblood pressure elevation

by the following(passive) can be causedblood pressure elevation

High intake of salt ... fluid retentioncan causeelevation in blood pressure

Both of these pathophysiological changescould causeblood pressure elevation

One does not seemto causeblood pressure elevation

Stimulation of the sympathetic and spinal centers in this mannercauseselevation of the blood pressure

by tyramine in food(passive) caused byBlood pressure elevation

Angiotensin ... the blood vesselscausesblood pressure elevation

Hypertension(passive) is caused byHypertension

headachescan causeheadaches

to high blood pressurepossibly leadingto high blood pressure

to the problems like insomnia and sweatingcan leadsto the problems like insomnia and sweating

bleedingcould causebleeding

to increased secondary hematoma expansion in SICHmay leadto increased secondary hematoma expansion in SICH

eventuallycan ... causeeventually

to structural changes in the myocardium which , in turn , results in heart failureleadsto structural changes in the myocardium which , in turn , results in heart failure

more damage than elevation of the diastolic blood pressurecausesmore damage than elevation of the diastolic blood pressure

a callshould prompta call

the stagecan setthe stage

to rebleedingcould leadto rebleeding

to arrhythmia , or myocardial ischemiawould leadto arrhythmia , or myocardial ischemia

this enhanced natriuresismay causethis enhanced natriuresis

to effects adverse outcomescan leadto effects adverse outcomes

in cessation of recurrent neurologic eventsresultedin cessation of recurrent neurologic events

to progressive kidneyleadingto progressive kidney


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