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Qaagi - Book of Why



by the Government(passive) set byan allowance

The Citywill contributean allowance

at 10 % of the rental income(passive) was setThe allowance

to cover every - day expenses including clothing , food , holidays , clubs , travel and other costs(passive) is designedThe allowance

For example , would they wantto contributeallowance money

at 10 % of the rental income net of expenses(passive) was setThe allowance

to cover the cost of replacing furniture and furnishings(passive) is designedThe allowance


The organizationsetsan allowance

a release of the valuationmay resultallowance

The required accounting for a release of the valuationmay resultallowance

for a spender who is restricted(passive) Can ... be setan allowance

for low - income people between sixty and sixty - four who have a spouse receiving OAS(passive) is designedThe Allowance

out ... Article 145(passive) set ... byan allowance

Orderto causeallowance

Jurisdictions with a projected loss for the year where no tax benefit can be recognized due to the valuationcould resultallowance

to a regular schedule(passive) should be setAllowance

You oughtto setan allowance

to go towards office costs(passive) is designedThe allowance

parliament and other government grants(passive) set byan allowance

by charge - offs(passive) caused bythe allowance

the Chancellor in the Budget(passive) is set byallowance

Sellerwill contributeallowance

to keep these in them and give me an average or lower(passive) is designedAllowance

A great way to keep yourself from spending more than you can afford to in college isto setan allowance

currently(passive) is ... setThe allowance

orderto setan allowance

for fuel and running costs(passive) is setAn allowance

to prevent too much taxes being withheld from a taxpayers wages(passive) is designedAllowance

Parliament(passive) set byan allowance

Otherswill setan " allowance

means protectionwhen originatinga allowance

by the minute(passive) caused bythe allowance

Orderto causeallowance ^

to enable contractors to claim back 5 % of their generated income(passive) is designedThe allowance

for potential future repairs(passive) should be set asideAn allowance

to ask for extra facts must be designedAllowance

to create a budget(passive) was designedAllowance

the closersetout allowance

to offer kids practice at handling their own finances(passive) is designedAllowance

for the whole accountsettingfor the whole account

in a significant tax benefit and impact earnings in the quarter in which it is deemed appropriate to release all or a portion of the reservemay resultin a significant tax benefit and impact earnings in the quarter in which it is deemed appropriate to release all or a portion of the reserve

towards their living up to 10will contributetowards their living up to 10

of the salarycomposedof the salary

to the extra costs incurred by disabled peoplecontributesto the extra costs incurred by disabled people

to 1 spousedesignedto 1 spouse

at the National Minimum Wage ( $ 672.60 a weeksetat the National Minimum Wage ( $ 672.60 a week

to partially reimburse for lodging and meal expenses when traveling from one duty station to anotheris designedto partially reimburse for lodging and meal expenses when traveling from one duty station to another

off against 100 % of statutory income for each year assessmentto be setoff against 100 % of statutory income for each year assessment

to car expenses , such as insurancecontributesto car expenses , such as insurance

to 1 partnerdesignedto 1 partner

to any additional study coststo contributeto any additional study costs

to partially offset the cost of meals for a military memberdesignedto partially offset the cost of meals for a military member

towards the cost of purchasing it yourselfto contributetowards the cost of purchasing it yourself

at 300 per monthsetat 300 per month

to chargemuch how each rate account needing looking in ... causedto charge

in an unnecessary cost to the employerwould resultin an unnecessary cost to the employer

towards their living up to 3,000 per tenantwill contributetowards their living up to 3,000 per tenant

to one partnerdesignedto one partner

to cover specific categories of expenses and leave those financial decisions up to your childis designedto cover specific categories of expenses and leave those financial decisions up to your child

at the archaic Rs 800 per month levelsis ... setat the archaic Rs 800 per month levels

towards their living up to youwill contributetowards their living up to you

to the scheme for more than six months during the yearmust have been contributingto the scheme for more than six months during the year

to the scheme for more than six months during the year before you became unemployedmust have been contributingto the scheme for more than six months during the year before you became unemployed

to the schememust have been contributingto the scheme

towards individual holidayscontributestowards individual holidays

towards their tenants andwill contributetowards their tenants and

where different wireless access point allowances are associated with different tilessettingwhere different wireless access point allowances are associated with different tiles

up and run your personal office and pay for office personnelto setup and run your personal office and pay for office personnel

up home officeto setup home office

out in Attachment Asetout in Attachment A

out in Attachment Asetout in Attachment A

a baseline for spendingsetsa baseline for spending

to reimburse an expenseis designedto reimburse an expense

forth belowsetforth below

towards their living up to 60 dayswill contributetowards their living up to 60 days

to my family , the insurancecontributeto my family , the insurance

at 5,000setat 5,000

to offset the cost of lodging , mealsdesignedto offset the cost of lodging , meals

to recompense them for the work which they undertakedesignedto recompense them for the work which they undertake


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