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Qaagi - Book of Why



to use the datato promptaction

using datato triggeraction

data ... a mannerwill createaction

words that are more likelyto triggeraction

legislative statute(passive) created byaction

a statute in this manner(passive) created byaction

the federal statute(passive) created byaction

your experiences ... wordscan promptaction

Wonder wordscreateaction

if I share these words and thoughts with youmight triggeraction

But none of that data is goingto promptaction

that we collect our own pollution datato provokeaction

Ability to slide the piecescreatesaction

The call for more and better data can be usedto preventaction

that emotions are neededto triggeraction

the emotion you needto really causeaction

Behavioural and location data from SEOwill triggeraction

using motivation as a toolto createaction

a real timecreatedaction

nice and low(passive) can be setAction

statute relating to deprivation under color of law(passive) created byaction

self to reach goals driven by intrinsic motivation(passive) has been created byaction

That realizationsparkedaction

positive thoughts and feelingspromptaction

Your ideas ... calendaredto createaction

actionable ideassparkaction

The challenge ... plansto createaction

South Korea 's statute of limitations(passive) set byaction

As was the case with the Williams study , the data can and , where appropriate , should be usedto promptaction

low and easy(passive) is setAction

slinky low(passive) is setAction

some potential leftto createaction

the strangest thingscan triggeraction

public pressurewill promptaction

the power of storiesto promptaction

section 8(passive) created byaction

your awareness ... acceptancecreatesaction

stories ... a wayinfluencesaction

certain information or advice(passive) is ... influenced byaction

a clear trail of informationshould have promptedaction

to the results that you wantwill leadto the results that you want

to lasting changewill leadto lasting change

to achieve a particular goal or set of goals or objectivesdesignedto achieve a particular goal or set of goals or objectives

catastrophic climate changeto preventcatastrophic climate change

greenhouse climate changeto preventgreenhouse climate change

and not solving the situationare contributingand not solving the situation

or remedy the situationto preventor remedy the situation

further global warming and climate changeto preventfurther global warming and climate change

unintentional injuries to children and young people under 15to preventunintentional injuries to children and young people under 15

to achieve a particular goal or goalsdesignedto achieve a particular goal or goals

to deliver measurable successdesignedto deliver measurable success

the most damaging impacts of climate changeto preventthe most damaging impacts of climate change

man - made climate changeto preventman - made climate change

such tragedies again but did not say what that would beto preventsuch tragedies again but did not say what that would be

a positive impact in the worldcreatesa positive impact in the world

results that are differentcreatesresults that are different

a water changecausesa water change

to the ultimate changewill leadto the ultimate change

to systemic changewill leadto systemic change

meaningful changeto createmeaningful change

& manifest your desired results & outcomesto create& manifest your desired results & outcomes

clarity and transformation in lifeto createclarity and transformation in life

to change local situationsis designedto change local situations

success and success will create confidencecreatessuccess and success will create confidence

How Imperfect Action ... to Success in WholesalingLeadsHow Imperfect Action ... to Success in Wholesaling

recurrence or occurrenceto preventrecurrence or occurrence

the recurrence of faultswill preventthe recurrence of faults

these needless tragediesmight preventthese needless tragedies

pieces one after the othersetpieces one after the other

positive change in my lifecreatespositive change in my life

to change the behaviour of the employeedesignedto change the behaviour of the employee

its own couragecreatesits own courage

and end grave abuses of human rightsto preventand end grave abuses of human rights

suicides with various activities around the world since 2003to preventsuicides with various activities around the world since 2003

from a lack of conformityresultingfrom a lack of conformity

in consequences , good or badresultsin consequences , good or bad

to work on different and specific parts of the microorganism. � Powerfuldesignedto work on different and specific parts of the microorganism. � Powerful

to achieve a long - term or overall aimdesignedto achieve a long - term or overall aim

to achieve a long - term or overall GOALdesignedto achieve a long - term or overall GOAL

such results materialising in the first placecould preventsuch results materialising in the first place


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