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Qaagi - Book of Why



Muscle exhaustionleadsto lactic acid build - up in the muscles

muscle fatiguecauseslactic acid buildup in the muscle

High intensity trainingcausesa build - up of lactic acid in the muscle

Exercisecausesa lactic acid buildup in muscles

anaerobic metabolismleadsto lactic acid buildup in the muscle

Physical exercisecan causea build - up of lactic acid in muscles

Overexertioncausesbuildup of lactic acid in muscles

Heavy trainingcauseslactic acid buildup in the muscles

a prolonged session of anaerobic exerciseleadsto a build - up of lactic acid in the muscles

aerobic exercisecausesa build up of lactic acid in the muscles

Exercisecauseslactic acid buildup in the muscles

Poor circulationcausesa build - up of lactic acid in the muscles

excessive exercisehas resultedin accumulation of lactic acid in muscle cells

The breakdown of muscle glucosecauseslactic acid in the muscles to accumulate

Too much exercisecausesa lactic acid accumulation in the muscles

That stiffnessresultsfrom a buildup of lactic acid in the muscles

Anaerobic metabolismcausesan increased build - up of lactic acid in the muscles

Most exercisecauseslactic acid to build up in muscles

The heavy resistancewill causelactic acid to accumulate in the muscles

enough oxygencausesa buildup of lactic acid in the muscles

strenuous exercise(passive) is caused byLactic acid buildup in the muscles

The only undesirable complication of excessive skeletal muscle contractions or exercise isresultsin the accumulation of lactic acid in muscles

oxygen depletioncausesan accumulation of lactic acid in the muscle

Exercisecan resultin buildup of lactic acid in muscles from overexertion

Respiration is anaerobic , ... causingthe build up of lactic acid in muscles

Lack of oxygencauseslactic acid to build up in the muscles

Lack of oxygencauseslactic acid to build up in the muscles

High intensity exercisecan causethe build up of lactic acid in muscles

This constant repetitionwill causean accumulation of lactic acid within your muscles

the use of alcohol and melatonin at the same timecausesbuild up of lactic acid inside the muscles

where oxygen consumption results in lactic acid production exceeding lactic acid removalresultingin buildup of lactic acid in the muscles

overexertioncausinga buildup of lactic acid in the muscles

proteincausesthe lactic acid buildup in muscles)

the use of alcohol and melatonin sleep aid at the same timecausesbuild - up of lactic acid inside the muscles

Not enough oxygencan causepainful lactic acid build up in muscles

in turncausesan increase in lactic acid accumulation in the muscles

Alcohol drinkingcausesaccumulation of lactic acid in the body

For many years , muscle soreness after workouts was thoughtto resultfrom an accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles

intense and exhaustive exercisecauseslactic acid to accumulate in the muscles

the exercise ... intense enoughto resultin lactic acid accumulation in the muscles

muscle fatigue and crampscausingmuscle fatigue and cramps

Muscle cramps(passive) are caused byMuscle cramps

to severe muscle paincan leadto severe muscle pain

to muscle fatigue and sorenessleadsto muscle fatigue and soreness

muscle cramps or muscle fatiguecausesmuscle cramps or muscle fatigue

to muscle fatigue and muscle crampingcontributesto muscle fatigue and muscle cramping

to muscle fatiguecan leadto muscle fatigue

muscle fatiguecausesmuscle fatigue

muscle soreness and paincausesmuscle soreness and pain

to muscle fatigueleadsto muscle fatigue

muscle fatigue and crampingcausingmuscle fatigue and cramping

to fatigueleadingto fatigue

muscle crampscausesmuscle cramps

cramps and sore musclescausescramps and sore muscles

a burning sensationcausesa burning sensation



muscle soreness and fatiguecan causemuscle soreness and fatigue

muscular pains or crampscausesmuscular pains or cramps

the pain that results from vigorous exercisecausesthe pain that results from vigorous exercise

a reduction of musclecauseda reduction of muscle

muscle burningto causemuscle burning

them to become stiff and sorecausesthem to become stiff and sore

to muscle fatigue and contractionleadsto muscle fatigue and contraction


exercise(passive) caused byexercise

shoulder aches for days after a workoutmay causeshoulder aches for days after a workout

a lowered _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _causinga lowered _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

to painleadsto pain

them to cramp , fatigue , and pain 2causingthem to cramp , fatigue , and pain 2

the soreness you experience after a workoutcausesthe soreness you experience after a workout

them to lose contraction strengthcausesthem to lose contraction strength

the soreness you experience after workoutcausesthe soreness you experience after workout

to a burning sensation , painful muscles and lactic acid in the bloodleadsto a burning sensation , painful muscles and lactic acid in the blood

Acidosis(passive) is caused byAcidosis

in muscle fatigueresultsin muscle fatigue

in muscle fatigueresultsin muscle fatigue

muscle paincausesmuscle pain


painful burning sensationcausespainful burning sensation


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