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Qaagi - Book of Why



training systems ... ableto influencethe accounting information systems performance

to provide accurate and timely information to be used for activity monitoring and investment decisions(passive) should be designedYour financial accounting information system

in such a way which supports all the accounting functions and activities including auditing , financial accounting & reporting , managerial accounting and taxation(passive) is designedAccounting information system

to produce financial information on economic activities of an organisation(passive) is designedAccounting An Information System Accounting system

organizational cultureinfluencesaccounting information system

to produce financial statements(passive) is designedAccounting System A financial accounting system

for recording(passive) is designedThe financial - accounting information system

organizational factors ( such as top management support , training and education of users , existence of steering committees and organization sizeinfluencethe performance of accounting information system

seven functional modules(passive) is composed byFinancial accounting management information system

to provide reports that assess the performance of management personnel assigned to specific areas of responsibility within the companydesignedto provide reports that assess the performance of management personnel assigned to specific areas of responsibility within the company

for this specific industrydesignedfor this specific industry

to highlight the data about completed transactionsis designedto highlight the data about completed transactions

enhance productivity , quality of service , effectiveness of internal contral of the organizationcontributeenhance productivity , quality of service , effectiveness of internal contral of the organization

significantly in bringing the effectiveness of the resource use and improving performance of the governmentcontributessignificantly in bringing the effectiveness of the resource use and improving performance of the government

to provide financial information about an economic ... Eliot_Hanks|1 year ago|0|3 viewsdesignedto provide financial information about an economic ... Eliot_Hanks|1 year ago|0|3 views

to record , classify , report and interpret financial data of an organization or companydesignedto record , classify , report and interpret financial data of an organization or company

Ticket system s composition relating to the service(passive) is composedTicket system s composition relating to the service

to speak the correct information to The interior and also external usersis designedto speak the correct information to The interior and also external users


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