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Qaagi - Book of Why



this deal because I wantto preventwar

the President ... who wantto provokewar

simply because the other does not want to be a Muslim(passive) is thus triggeredWar

deterrence ... the best wayto preventwar

Mattis ... the best wayto preventwar

to work with other nationsto preventwar

the system workto preventwar

people who are in power for Peace , not those who haveto createwar

his efforts to helppreventwar

a balance of powerwill preventwar

Saudi effortsto provokewar

accident in this way(passive) caused bywar

Only in this way can women helppreventwar

greed and lust for powercauseswar

imbalance of power and alliancecan provokewar

Sensibly , Kerry and the White House wantto preventwar

The General Court Martial , which sat at … •They wantto causewar

you ’re interested in war , what you really want to know iscauseswar

the tools they needto preventwar

the existence of the EU has helpedto preventwar

luck helpedpreventwar

to work with Windels through Augustto preventwar

Several effortsto preventwar

common effortsto preventwar

Reasonable effortsto preventwar

the diplomatic effortsto preventwar

> interesting thing is how they are going to prevent war , how they are goingto preventwar

when power transitions seemedto sparkwar

no better wayto preventwar

the surest wayto preventwar

this deal ... the only wayto preventwar

State weakness or failureoften causeswar

who used religionto triggerwar

used by Americato provokewar

no such thing ... enoughto causewar

us to work with partners around the worldto preventwar

The U.S. desireto triggerwar

We can best helppreventwar

world law ... the only wayto preventwar

In that way , arms were acquiredto preventwar

the devastation , death and destruction(passive) caused bythe devastation , death and destruction

an enormous amount of death and destructioncausesan enormous amount of death and destruction

the total amount of death and destruction(passive) caused bythe total amount of death and destruction

destruction and displacement(passive) caused bydestruction and displacement

loss , damage or destruction(passive) caused byloss , damage or destruction

devastation and destruction(passive) caused bydevastation and destruction

the destruction and chaos(passive) caused bythe destruction and chaos

suffering , destruction , and povertycreatessuffering , destruction , and poverty

Loss , destruction or damage(passive) caused byLoss , destruction or damage

the destruction and carnage(passive) caused bythe destruction and carnage

carnage and destruction(passive) caused bycarnage and destruction

the tragedy and destruction(passive) caused bythe tragedy and destruction

in death and destruction of U.S. forces and assetsresultingin death and destruction of U.S. forces and assets

mass destructioncausesmass destruction

destruction and hatejust causesdestruction and hate

the destruction and injury(passive) caused bythe destruction and injury

to the destruction of the youthsleadsto the destruction of the youths

the hunger and destruction(passive) caused bythe hunger and destruction

the destruction and ruin(passive) caused bythe destruction and ruin

in the destruction of nationsresultsin the destruction of nations

havoc and destructionhad causedhavoc and destruction

the senseless destruction(passive) caused bythe senseless destruction

the true destruction(passive) caused bythe true destruction

destruction essaycausesdestruction essay

the atrocious destruction(passive) caused bythe atrocious destruction

the physical destruction(passive) caused bythe physical destruction

lot of pain and destructioncauseslot of pain and destruction

to deliver maximum destructiondesignedto deliver maximum destruction

only in senseless and violent destructionresultsonly in senseless and violent destruction

the deep destruction of our souls(passive) caused bythe deep destruction of our souls

archaeological evidence of the destruction(passive) was ... caused byarchaeological evidence of the destruction

both the physical and emotional destruction(passive) caused byboth the physical and emotional destruction

forced exile and destruction(passive) caused byforced exile and destruction

the senseless material destruction(passive) caused bythe senseless material destruction

the terrible human suffering(passive) caused bythe terrible human suffering

the horrible human suffering(passive) caused bythe horrible human suffering

more victims and sufferingcreatesmore victims and suffering

the long lasting destruction and devastation(passive) caused bythe long lasting destruction and devastation

hardships and sufferingcreateshardships and suffering

the tremendous sacrifice , death , horror and destruction(passive) caused bythe tremendous sacrifice , death , horror and destruction


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